'Arrow' Season 4 Spoilers & Cast News: Stephen Amell Hints At The Joker Appearing In The CW Show & Felicity’s Fate

"Arrow" Season 4 lead star Stephen Amell recently opened up about the new cast member who will be joining The CW series.

In an interview with Comic Book, the actor said that he and his co-stars are looking forward to seeing The Joker in an episode of "Arrow" Season 4.

"Well, I mean, the short answer is yes, of course. Within the DC Universe, if they are in the DC Universe, if you were to ask if Iron Man could come to 'Arrow,' I would be like, 'Well, no, probably not.' But of course, The Joker could come to 'Arrow,' Batman could come to 'Arrow,' Superman could show up on 'The Flash,'" he said.

Amell added that there are even more options on which characters from the DC Universe could make a cameo on "Arrow"; if not in Season 4, then in Season 5. The actor also expressed his confidence over winning against Batman if ever the latter and the Green Arrow end up in a fight.

"I would win, absolutely," he said simply.

Meanwhile, fans are still wondering what might have happened to Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) following last week's fall finale episode.

In "Dark Waters," things were going well for Felicity and Oliver when all of a sudden their car was attacked by a group of men. Toward the end of the episode, Felicity was shot several times, and Oliver was featured checking his girlfriend's pulse.

According to Design & Trend, there are rumors that Felicity may be killed off when the series returns. However, it's also possible that she will be resurrected through the Lazarus Pit. If this happens, Felicity will gain strength, and she may also join Team Arrow. Still, it's also possible that Felicity will survive the attack. After all, she's one of the comic reliefs of the show.

"Arrow" Season 4 will return to The CW sometime next year.

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