'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Daisy Ridley Got Tips From 'Hans Solo' Actor on How To Deal with Fame

The 23-year-old Daisy Ridley wowed the crowd during "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" premiere.

In addition to her character's awesomeness, the newest member of the "Star Wars" family got first hand advice from Han Solo actor himself, Harrison Ford. As per BBC's report, Han Solo gave Rey [Ridley's character] tips on how to deal with fame. During an interview with Newsbeat, Ridley shared what she and Ford talked about.

"It wasn't really advice. It was more of a warning, He said that the anonymity thing is difficult, because as creative people you look to other people for inspiration and suddenly people are looking at you."

Despite gaining much popularity and stardom, Ridley shared that she wants to stay grounded. The young actress also added that she does not want her "star status" to change at all.

When she was asked by Newsbeat on whether she talked to her family about filming, the young actress stated that she's doesn't usually talk about it as she finds it weird.

"It's weird. You wouldn't come back from your day here and be like, 'This happened, this happened, this happened, this happened. It just becomes your work day. Obviously with trailers and stuff, I'm like, 'hehehe,' because I like to see how they react."

She then added that most of her family members have been keeping things at hush for them not to spoil the excitement.

"My mum doesn't really know what goes on in the world anyway, and neither does my other sister, my sister who's here today, she has more of a grasp on it. But everyone's been keeping it a secret and it's exciting for that reason. People are more excited because they don't know what's happening. So it feels like a good thing. So many incredible people have been involved in this and it's time to release this thing."

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