'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Reviews: "Good", "A Sequel of Your Dreams", "Filled with Drama, Action, and Heart"

After more than a year of waiting, "Star Wars" fans across the globe were finally able to see their beloved Jedi and check on The Force. Numerous website reported on "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" success as fans are thrilled as they were taken into a nostalgic trip. In regards to the premier, BBC was able to get a compilation of feedbacks that numerous news websites wrote in regards to the film.

New York Times then stated that the movie is "good."

"Big news about 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' is - spoiler alert - that it's good! Despite the pre-release hype, it won't save the world, not even Hollywood, but it seamlessly balances cosy favourites - Harrison Ford, ladies and gentlemen - and new kinetic wows along with some of the niceties that went missing as the series grew into a phenomenon, most crucially a scale and a sensibility that is rooted in the human."

As per Robbie Collins from the Telegraph, "J.J. Abrams made the sequel of your dreams."

"Fun, fresh-faced leads; a terrifying, three-dimensional villain; a light-saber battle for the ages. Fear not, Star Wars fans: JJ Abrams has made the sequel of your dreams."

Collins even added that: "taken a slightly tattered franchise and restored its sense of magic and myth". Harrison Ford is "terrific", he says, giving pilot Han Solo "a sardonic, rough-chinned world-weariness that's perhaps not entirely acting".

Daily Mirror on the other hand added that the film is filled with drama, action, and heart.

"All I can say is 'The Force Awakens' evokes magical memories of 1977's 'Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope', with plenty of humor, action, drama and heart."

The Hollywood Reported then released an exciting review filled with positive comments as it was stated that the film is filled with "promising new directions."

"The Force is back. Big time. As the best Star Wars anything - film, TV show, video game, spin-off, what-have-you - in at least 32 years, Star Wars: The Force Awakens pumps new energy and life into a hallowed franchise in a way that both resurrects old pleasures and points in promising new directions."

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