Taylor Swift Caught in a Plagiarism Allegation

One of the biggest pop singers is battling out yet another legal dispute.

As reported by Buzzfeed, a New Orleans artist claimed that Swift stole her work and posted it in her Instagram account as a promotion for her “1989 World Tour” a year ago.

The artist, named Ally Burguieres, wrote on Swift’s Facebook wall demanding actions from Swift and her team to deal with the plagiarism issue.

“I am a professional artist. With years of work and support from customers, friends, and family, I have built a business around my designs and am (hopefully) adding my own small form of beauty to the world. I now have three shops in New Orleans and gratefully rely on people who demonstrate that art they love is worth paying for. I may "only" have 1239 followers on Instagram, but I believe my work has value. I believe there are many others out there like me,” said Burguieres.

“As a professional artist, I was astonished to see you use one of my most popular designs on all your official social media platforms as part of your promotions for 1989. While I wondered why no one had sought permission or offered compensation to do so, I recognized that such endorsement is a once-in-a-lifetime boost for an artist and can skyrocket an artist’s career. Friends congratulated me and customers expressed joy. But congratulations turned to confusion. The design was a copy, and with someone else’s name signed to it,” the artist's Facebook post continued.

Burguieres also stated that [she] “...was devastated, but I took solace in thinking that someone so outspoken about artists’ rights would willingly fix her mistake. Mistakes are easy to make; I thought if you only KNEW about the error, you would do what is in your power to make it right. I was wrong. My efforts to combat the pirated and unauthorized copy (and your use and distribution of it to millions of people) were noticed, as you removed the post after several days. But the copy had been shared and downloaded countless times, and it seemed neither you nor your team intended on correcting your mistake.”

You can see the full letter on her Facebook post.

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