Microsoft to 'Resurrect' Xbox' Greatness

Xbox One was expected to a better version of the Xbox 360 that gamers have grown to love, but fans raged when Microsoft seemed to have forgotten why they came up with a newer version of the console.

A mere six minutes was allotted during the press conference of Xbox One back in 2013, which gained countless bashers especially all over the internet. This caused a dent on the relationship between the tech company and gaming enthusiasts. The Kinect hardware which was supposed to be a come on for the product caused them to lose patrons because of its cost.

Since they have realized the fact that gamers actually patronize Xbox because of their games, Microsoft has been trying to come up with strategy to remedy the situation, and eventually win supporters back. Shannon Loftis, general manager of Microsoft Studios, is tasked to slowly regain these followers by making sure they have the best developers to make the company's next biggest game franchises. But first the company needs to get them to trust in Microsoft.

Now more than ever, the general manager recognizes the value of their supporters. In an interview with The Verge, "I think one of the best reasons for Microsoft to continue to engage in games is just because gamers are also consumers. That loyalty, the passion that they bring to their gaming and entertainment experiences, the communities that they build."

Loftis explains, "I see our primary role really as being the proof point. We prove to gamers why it's worth playing on the Microsoft platforms. We prove to game developers why it's worth [making games for our platform]."

Xbox One's line up for next year looks promising as it includes games like Quantum Break, Crackdown 3 and Gears of War 4. Loftis assures gamers that though most of these are more 'controller-centric,' the company is consistently looking for ways to make gaming relevant to different platforms.

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