'Clash Of Clans' Update, News, Features: Personal Break Limit Extensions Increased, Christmas Tree Is Spawning

The latest COC (Clash of Clans) update addressed the issues associated with the loot situation. On December 17, COC will have a maintenance break to begin the hotfix changes. Here are the Clash of Clans fixes included in the recent update:

First of all, the bug in the Personal Break system has been fixed, and the Personal Break Online time limit has also been increased to 4 hours. There is a thirty minute increase to Personal Break Limit extensions (after you get kicked out without being attacked or after you take defense without shield). Furthermore, there is an increase in Free Guard (when Shield expires), in all Leagues. Titan I / Legend is raised to 4 hours from 3 hours; Titan II is up by an hour too from 2 hours to 3 hours; Titan III is raised from 1 hour to 2 hours as well; Champion (all levels) is doubled from 30 minutes to 1 hour Guard; Below Champion also rose to 30 minutes Guard from 15 minutes.

Furthermore, Clan War matchmaking parameters also received an update for Town Halls 9 - 11. The update also fixes a bug that may allow exceeding the donated Clan Spells limit. There has been a decrease in the skeleton hitpoints and there has been a fix in the Grand Warden ground / air mode that allows for proper saving. According to our source Yibada, the game will also "see a Christmas tree as it is now spawning" and "there is an optional client update coming" as well. Also, a winter theme has been added alongside an option to turn off the snowfall in the game Setting.

Furthermore, here are the other updates and fixes listed on the game developer's forum page: Addition of an info screen when hitting the Shield icon (shows exact Personal Break timer); Clan badge icon for donated Spells; Crash fixes; Request / full / timer tips not showing properly Bug fixed; Player profile bug fixed; Several UI cleanup.

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