PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Threatened By Hackers, Attacks Set on Christmas

The holiday season, especially the Christmas day is the perfect time for most busy gamers to play all day long. However, the idea of playing console games such as PlayStation and Xbox Live this Christmas season could somehow be thwarted by some hackers. According to some reports, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live are being threatened of a possible attack which will commence on the Christmas Day. Gamerant reported that;

"In a sort of warped holiday tradition, it appears a new hacker group aims to bring down both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live later this week on Christmas Day. Known as Phantom Squad, the group has claimed responsibility for the recent Xbox Live outage which appears to have affected some users who attempted to log in to the service over the previous night."

Now this is not the first time that Phantom Squad attacked a gaming network, for in the recent attack with Xbox Live, the said hacker group claimed the responsibility. According to some news, the said attack is perpetuated in order to let giant companies in the gaming world, like Sony and Microsoft, take seriously the level of their security. On a social media post[account suspended] of the hacker group they stated that;

"PSN and Xbox Live... Companies that have millions of dollars... and don't bother on working on security." They also added that, "No. PSN and Xbox don't use that money to improve their security... So until they open their eyes Xbox Live and PSN will remain vulnerable."

This kind of activity has been becoming very common nowadays. It can be remembered that a hacker group called "Lizard Squad" also perpetuated similar thing last year's Christmas Day. And this made the FBI be involved in the situation arresting one of the members in Finland. And this year's Christmas Day another possible similar scenario might happen. Servers might crash in the process, and companies still remain vulnerable.

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