Netflix News: Automatically Pause Netflix Videos When You Fall Asleep With These Socks

Netflix seems to be expanding their streaming service to have merchandising now as well. The company just invented Netflix socks - which automatically pauses the video when you've fallen asleep.

It's actually a genius idea - and a perfect Christmas present idea too. Unfotunately for some, it's not something you can just buy anywhere.

Netflix posted a step-by-step guide on how to make these magical Netflix socks - because it's the only way you'll get your hands on the real thing. You might need to start learning how to knit, too.

However, it requires a bit of technical skills - like soldering and programming. The DIY project is a great gift for those who love to "Netflix and Chill." But with the simple and easy instructions you simply need to follow, nothing should go wrong.

There are a few things necessary - some of which you're most probably unfamiliar with - to create your very own Netflix socks! According to Mashable: "The socks are powered by an Arduino microcontroller and an accelerometer is used to detect motion."

Netflix explains how the socks work with the electronic devices:

"We've based our sleep detection system on a popular method called actigraphy. An accelerometer detects when you've stopped moving for a prolonged period of time and triggers a signal to your TV that pauses Netflix. When it detects that you've dozed off, an LED light in the cuff of the sock flashes red, warning that the pause signal is about to be sent to your TV. Any motion will stop it from firing."

According to the company, the specific accelerometer used for their DIY project is so sensitive that it can detect even the "little movements, so it's good at detecting when you're just sitting still, raptly watching Netflix, and when you've actually fallen asleep."

Find out more about Netflix Socks by watching the video here.

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