“Doctor Who” will have a special Christmas episode wherein the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and his wife River Song (Alex Kingston) will have a fun adventure.
In the special episode, The Doctor will try to avoid the holiday spirit and would help a crashed spaceship. It will also feature the return of River.
“I had sort of thought we were done with River," Moffat told the Telegraph revealing that former show runner Davies gave him the idea. “But Russell [T. Davies] and I had been emailing about River. He was always saying, ‘You can’t not bring her back because she’s got to be together with [Peter] Capaldi [who plays the Doctor] – it will be a sex storm!’”
His wife River will not recognize him since it is the first time that she will meet the Twelfth Doctor. She'll soon realize that her husband has a new face and will bring some humor to the episode.
“It’s a wonderful slapstick caper,” Kingston said according to BBC. “There’s a lot of great laughs, there’s a lot of fabulous River one-liners. The fans are going to love the things she says and there’s a lot of play.”
Speaking of humor, a new funny character named Nardole played by Matt Lucas will join the show featuring "a hugely loveable personality, a little naïve, a little out of his depth and quite cosmic.” There will also be a cyborg named King Hydroflax played by Greg Davies who is a terrible, vicious and is a very dreadful tyrant. He is mostly a cyborg with only a human head.
Based on the title of the episode, “The Husbands of River Song,” it will not just refer to the changing appearance of the Doctor but also to the actual new husband of River that she will introduce to him, causing tension. River will not stay for long in the show and will not be seen for some time again.
“In a sense, the beauty of a character like River Song is that she'll come in for an adventure, but then go off again, and one can spend their time wondering what she does when she's not with the Doctor,” Kingston said according to the Bristol Post. “River's already established, so why not keep her within that respect and then bring in a new companion? Because then you've got more people to interact and play with.”
Meanwhile, the special episode will not introduce the new assistant of the Doctor after losing Clara.
The “Doctor Who” 2015 Christmas special airs Friday, Dec. 25, at 9 p.m. EST on BBC America.