New Naruto Manga Series "Boruto" To Be Released In Spring 2016

The "Naruto" manga will have its sequel titled "Boruto" which will be released in the spring of 2016. Masashi Kishimoto confirmed its launching and the countdown of its coming ended on Saturday.

The new "Naruto" manga series "Boruto" will revolve on the story of Boruto, the son of Naruto, and his adventures. According to Movie News Guide, the manga series will be published in new chapters once a month.

The report also stated that Kishimoto will not be illustrating the manga. Rather, he will be dealing more on the supervision of the sequel and allow Mikio Ikemoto, his assistant, to do all the drawings for "Boruto" and Ukyo Kodachi who also worked in the previous book "Naruto - Gaara Hiden: Sajingenso" will pen the manga's screenplay.

The launching of the new manga sequel had a tagline "Next Generation" revealing some featured silhouettes of the familiar "Naruto" characters including Boruto and his sister Himawari Uzumaki. A lot of the fans were wondering if this was the signal from the creators that there would be another Naruto series coming.

Furthermore, a lot of intriguing parts were reported, too. According to the same source, a lot of Naruto fans are wondering on how the next generation ninjas would look as well as their abilities.

Kishimoto already announced earlier that he wanted to take a break from illustrating new "Naruto" series, however, he changed his mind recently, and decided to give a 50/50 chance to his fans.

"There are infinite possibilities right now. If I decide that I want to do more Naruto stories, perhaps, I will, perhaps I won't," he said. Crossmap added that when he was asked to have more films on the Naruto series, he said with a sigh asking if he could take a rest from 15 years of illustrating since the manga series started.

"During this time, I finally went on my honeymoon. Even though my son has grown as big as Boruto," Kishimoto said. He really felt fortunate to have a chance to have a honeymoon after more than a decade of being happily married to his wife.

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