In the second installment of the TLC's online series "Married by Mom & Dad: CoCo's Story," CoCo brings out quite a long list of qualities she is looking for a guy. Looks like her parents are going to have a hard time finding a husband for her.
Courtney Quinn, 36 years old, is known to her friends as CoCo. CoCo feels like she's been a single her whole life because although she's been dating, no relationship ever lasted more than six months.
"I'm waiting for that guy that's like, 'Oh my God, it's you. I'm your guy,' and that hasn't happened," CoCo shared.
And now, she's ready to settle down and she's letting her parents, Mary and Tim, pick a husband for her. Coco said, "I think if I was younger, this would be an absolutely ridiculous thing to venture into, but I trust my parent's judgment."
Her parents are currently living in Hong Kong and they flew all the way back to America to help CoCo find a spouse. Mary and Tim have been married for 38 years and CoCo wants a married life like what her parents have. "I want someone who is my best friend," CoCo said.
CoCo's mother thinks that her daughter has not dated as much because she's looking for someone like her father. "Those guys don't seem to be out there these days," Mary said.
CoCo then showed them a list of characteristics that her parents should look for while they date her future husband. "That's a long list," her mum commented.
CoCo said they're not actually specifics, but just general. She wants a guy who's kind and nice, successful in a career that he loves, a happy person, smart and intelligent. And it would be nice if he's taller than her. Her "No" list includes no body odor and bad breath issues, never married and no kids.
Watch the "Married By Mom & Dad: CoCo's Story" Episode 2 below.