"Death Note" a Japanese detective supernatural psychological thriller manga title is said to have a live-action, Western made version set for release on Japan.
Bearing the same title, the movie is actually not a "Death Note" movie after all. It started as a Japanese-produced movie and TV drama that found its own movie distributor AMG Entertainment.
The live-action film is set in Scotland comprised of all-non-Japanese cast. The lead character is named Six instead of Light and also has a notebook where he list names on it. The names belong to either criminals or other wicked people who would die similar to the story of the manga series.
But the adaptation has many changes of course and isn't actually a "Death Note" movie like how its title suggests. Its poster even bears the cross-shaped iconography of the Death Note manga cover.
"On the one hand, it’s easy to see why AMG, a relatively minor distributor, would resort to some less than aboveboard tactics in trying to drum up publicity for a nearly two-year-old movie that’s coming into the Japanese market with no significant word of mouth to help it find an audience," Rocket News wrote adding that they are disappointed that it wasn't clarified that it isn't an exact adaptation of the Manga series.
Meanwhile, reports reveal that the series will get an American adaptation with Nat Wolff of "Paper Towns" to play the role of Light Yagami. He will be joined by Margaret Qualley for the role Misa Amane, Variety reported.
The "Death Note" American film, unlike the Western-film, is an adaptation of the manga series. Adam Wingard is the director, editor, cinematographer, and writer who will work along with Jeremy Slater (Fantastic Four) who made the initial draft of the Japanese manga remake, Cross Map reported.
The production of the "Death Note" American remake will begin next spring and no release date is set yet.