'Doctor Who' Season 10 Rumors: Who Replaces Clara?; Is This the Doctor’s Final Season?; Tidbits and Updates

A ‘Doctor Who’ Season 10 ‘Christmas Special’ will be airing this week. In line with the special, fans are excited for the season 10 of the series.

Clara, the Doctor’s companion has exited in season 9. But show runner Steven Moffat teased that a new female companion is on its way to accompany the Twelfth Doctor.

“I’m beginning to have an idea of the kind of person, specific ideas but not a specific actress,” Moffat told Radio Times. “A new companion gives us the chance to launch the show again. It began in 1963 with the story of Ian and Barbara and then in 2005 with Rose Tyler. Arguably it begins again with the story of Amy Pond. You can recruit new viewers when somebody else meets the Doctor. And I think we’ve got a really cool new idea about how to do that.”

Peter Capaldi, who plays the Doctor, said in a recent interview, according to The Bit Bag, that he does not want a bloke to be his companion. According to him, "I’m frightened that they’ll give him all the action and I’ll be standing around spouting scientific gobbledygook…”

Two new writers are also writing for the script of season 10 of Doctor Who. And Moffat added that the said writers have not written for Doctor Who in the past. He did not mention their names because apparently, the brains of the press "would explode” as they are "brilliant, prominent and amazing writers."

However, is it really true that season 10 could be the last season for Peter Capaldi A.K.A. The Doctor? Apparently, it is a big yes.

The actor said in a recent interview, "This could be my final year – it’s terrifying. I love Doctor Who but it can be quite an insular world and I do want to do other things. There will come a time when this is over. But I knew that when I started. I was thinking about my regeneration scene from the outset. That’s my terrible melancholic nature. When you accept the job you know there’ll come a day, inevitably, when you’ll be saying goodbye.”

'Doctor Who' Christmas Special, ‘The Husbands of River Song’ airs on BBC1 and BBC America on Christmas Day. Season 10 will air mid 2016.

Who do you think is the new companion? How about the next Doctor for season 11?

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