Steam Issue Has Leaked User Information

Steam is undergoing some awful backlash from anxious fans following an issue on allowing access to other user accounts.

In the days before Christmas, an alarming Steam issue has been raised. According to GameSpot, hackers might have allegedly found a way to hijack user account on steam. The threat reportedly might have also been presented on PSN and Xbox Live but it turned out that it was Steam that actually had the problem.

The alarm went off when a number of users have reported that the Steam page on their computers are displayed in languages other than their own. And when a user clicks on their username, they are directed to another user's account. While the linked accounts seemed random, it poses a security breach as the user's personal information (email address, Steam Wallet money and purchase history) is displayed. Steam guard apparently was not doing its job at the moment.

It was not identified if hackers were really behind the data breach. It has been reported that it could have been due to a caching issue and what is even more puzzling was that a message has been tweeted by an unverified Steam Database Twitter account saying, "Do NOT attempt to unlink PayPal, remove your credit card details or anything else. Doing so will put you at risk instead."

Finally a Valve spokesperson has issued a statement to GameSpot which reads, "Steam is back up and running without any known issues. As a result of a configuration change earlier today, a caching issue allowed some users to randomly see pages generated for other users for a period of less than an hour. This issue has since been resolved. We believe no unauthorized actions were allowed on accounts beyond the viewing of cached page information and no additional action is required by users."

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