Art of Aging: Is Getting Old Gracefully Possible?

Old age could be the last thing one wants to face, at least for the beauty queens. But, whether we are physical beauty conscious or not, we cannot resent the fact that no happy human being ever finds growing old exciting, instead, excruciating.

How about you? Is aging something you look forward to? Or do you definitely dread about it just like everybody else does?

The Watchtower features helpful tips on how to age, if not perfectly, at least gracefully, so to help you get rid of that fear of having grey hair.

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Be Balanced

For fear that nobody might want to glance at you because of wrinkles and grey hair, one might be overly concerned about how she or he looks. You might still want to wear those clothes you wore when you were still 30. Let go of them off your closet. Instead, dress your age, dress appropriately. And when we say "appropriate dress," we are talking about balance and good taste.

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Be Modest

As mentioned in the outset, aging can be something that some dread about. However, when you finally reached that stage, you should acknowledge that you already have physical or mental limitations rather than denying, or worst, ignoring them. Being modest in aging comes with being ready to admit to others especially to ourselves that we have already aged. Besides, if we were to choose between life and death, of course, we would choose being alive, wouldn't we? If we want to live longer, we will have to age. So, better yet, accept that nature will really take its course. After all, there is no way to turn back the clock.

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Be Positive

Since growing old has a built-in physical difficulties, one cannot expect to feel always okay, if not better. Losing the same strength you once had when you were younger may seem awful, which is why some succumbed to negative feelings that led them to loneliness. However, there's nothing you can do about the nature of aging. The least you can do is to overcome those negative thoughts and feelings. Stop dwelling on the past, may they be good times or bad, as, if you do so, you might just end up comparing the energetic life you once had with the debilitating situation you are in right now. Just be positive and open to broadening your horizons through reading and learning new things. Why don't you show the rest of the world the things that you still got just before you expire?

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Be Thankful

Reaching the age past the calendar days is already awesome, more so a milestone if you have reached the 80s or 90s. Life is a gift that we should be thankful for. Some have fought up to greater heights, spent all their resources just to preserve their life and continue living. You are one of them. The very thought that you've reached that far shows that you did not waste your life. Isn't that something you should be grateful for and happy about?

Aging can be graceful if we possess the right attitude. So, savor the moment of aging. Aging is an art. Appreciate it!

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