TV Anime Adaptation of Naruto Spinoff Novels “Itachi Shinden” to Premiere in March

The TV anime adaptation of one of the Naruto spinoff novels has been confirmed to premiere in March of 2016.

The announcement of the good news was done in the combined 5th/6th issue of the Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine last Monday.

According to the report from Crunchyroll, presentations in the announcement about the anime adaptation of the spinoff novel about Itachi suggest that it may run as an arc in Naruto Shippuden or temporarily in place rather than alongside it.

Anime News Network reported that "Itachi Shinden" Novel by Takashi Yano was released by Shueisha in two parts. The first one is called "Itachi Shinden: Komyo Hen" (The True Legend of Itachi: Glory Volume) that was released in September 4, while the second one is entitled "Itachi Shinden: Anya-hen" (The True Legend of Itachi: Dark Night Volume) that was shipped on Oct. 2.

The first "Itachi Shinden" follows the 4-year-old genius ninja Uchiha Itachi. Itachi meets Shisui during his time in the ninja academy. The story revolves around the path of glory, frustration, and determination of Itachi as his time in the academy, becoming a Genin, Chuunin, and a member of the elite ANBU unfolds.

The second "Itachi Shinden" shows the hardships Itachi has to go through as the rivalry between his clan and the village that he was devoted to continue to raise. The story revolves how Itachi succumb into the night of tragedy as he murders his whole clan. The reasons and truth behind the clan massacre was revealed in this volume.

Shueisha previously published six Naruto epilogue novels earlier this year: Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, Akatsuki Hiden, Gaara Hiden, Sakura Hiden, and Konoha Hiden. Itachi Shinden and Sasuke Shinden were the first two installments in the Naruto Shinden (Naruto True Legend) novel series.

Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, and Sakura Hiden was released in North America through Viz Media.

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