Developers at BioWare have revealed what is to expect of its work-in-progress title "Mass Effect: Andromeda."
According to Express, developers at BioWare have shared a new concept with respect to "Mass Effect: Andromeda." While the title's release date still remains uncertain, Bioware's Tech Designer Jos Hendriks this week has revealed that he finally got a chance to test the version of the project that is similar to the finished version. He notes though that he was playing on the content that he had personally created and reminds everyone that it was not yet the final version.
"Oh gosh, I'm playing Mass Effect: Andromeda properly for the first time. This is exciting!" Hendriks posted on his personal Twitter account.
Oh gosh, I'm playing Mass Effect: Andromeda properly for the first time. This is exciting!
— Jos Hendriks (@Sjosz) December 18, 2015
Many of his followers of course reacted so Hendriks tweeted back, "Just my own work without the context of the rest of the game. Now I'm playing the game like you would if/when you get it."
@smudboy Just my own work without the context of the rest of the game. Now I'm playing the game like you would if/when you get it. — Jos Hendriks (@Sjosz) December 18, 2015
On the other hand, according to Ecumenical News, publisher Electronic Arts has previously announced that "Mass Effect: Andromeda" with a bit of luck would be released sometime in 2017, hinting that it might be before March 31, 2018 if the publisher follows the fiscal year.
As previously reported, the N7 trailer has revealed that protagonist Commander Shepard from "Mass Effect 3" will not be in "Mass Effect 4." Many fans found it hard to believe. However, Yanick Roy of BioWare posted on Twitter to tell everyone that Bioware has already finalized the decision to not include the famous protagonist of previous "Mass Effect" in the upcoming "Mass Effect Andromeda." The tweet from the BioWare's Studio Director read, "Plans haven't changed: this is Shepard signing off, wishing you/us godspeed on a new adventure."