"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" First Line In Film Aimed To Insult George Lucas?

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" fans have been very observant with the piece of dialogue delivered at the start of the film which they believed is a coded message.

According to Business Insider, most of the fans agreed to the said statement. They think that this piece of line that was mentioned in the initial part of the film was meant to insult George Lucas. "This will begin to make things right," the line San Tekka said in the film.

Based from analysis, this message is trying to say, "This Skywalker map clue will hopefully bring back the Jedi Knights and return balance to the Force." That means to say, "This new 'Star Wars' franchise, spearheaded by Disney and kicking off with 'The Force Awakens,' will right the sins of the [disgraceful, at least to many fans] prequels that George Lucas made previously."

The report also added that most of the fans have experienced some hassle with Lucas before. They even gave their personal views on how J. J. Abrams treated the entire "Star Wars" experience with "too much gent."

Business Insider also said that the director was completely cordial with his press appearnaces. He didn't even have plans to go after Lucas directly while doing his personal appearance to different press conferences for "The Force Awakens."

Fans have been that speculative when it comes to the production team particularly on the writer. Lawrence Kasdan was the one who wrote "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" with no involvement to the prequels.

Because of these thoughts among fans, after the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" there might be possibility that they will change some parts for the next chapter if there will be some sequels to happen. The reason behind was the recently premiered film has a lot in common with the Trilogy. This might be the cause why fans want to have things in right place if there would be sequel to happen.

In the moment, there is statement released by either of the parties regarding this issue.

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