‘Big Hero 7’ Plot Spoilers: Hiro and Tadashi Hamada Begins Conflict in Sequel; Tadashi Comes Back as ‘Sunfire’

While "Big Hero 6" left many viewers with tears at the end for Hiro Hamada and Baymax, new details for the upcoming sequel is shedding light with the brothers Hiro Hamada and Tadashi. According to the latest scoop of MovieNewsGuide, the Hamada brothers are going to be main focus of the movie and it will also reveal the irreconcilable conflict between the two.

Many believed that in "Big Hero 6," Tadashi died in a big explosion while he was saving his mentor Callaghan but it seems that in the next installment of the movie, the demise of Tadashi is way confusing and it might be that he is still alive after all.

"Viewers had thought Tadashi succumbed to death in 'Big Hero 6' when an explosion took place during the science expo. But the new movie would see Tadashi return," based from the outlet. "Now since Tadashi is in 'Big Hero 7', fans have every right to think that he didn't die in the mishap. It can also be expected that the sequel would explain how he survived."

Apart from this issue, it was even speculated that one of the inventions in the science fair "saved" Tadashi's life and that he will return as Sunfire in "Big Hero 7."

"The venue where the explosion took place was replete with several inventions and one of them would have saved the life of Tadashi Hamada. In 'Big Hero 7', he would return as Sunfire. If one peeps into the Marvel comics, it can be found that Sunfire is granted with the capability of shooting fire," the outlet added (via Master Herald)

Meanwhile, Tadashi's comeback on 'Big Hero 7' also notes that he is indeed one of the villains in the sequel and much of this change will bring chaos to his relationship with Hiro. But the publication also scoops that the two will eventually "accept" each other's differences in the end.

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