Madonna Wants Rocco to Attend Military School, Singer Wants To Impose Curfew for Son

Just last week the "Like a Virgin" singer made the headlines as it was reported that her 15-year-old son Rocco refused to go home over the holidays. As per Reality Today, Madonna took matters into court asking the judge to force her son to go home and spend holidays with her.

One of the main reasons on why Rocco would prefer to stay with his father, Guy Ritchie, in London is that he's allowed to be himself and has absolute freedom, in which he cannot get from his singer mom.

A source told Page Six that "This is a 15½-year-old strapping young kid, so we'll see, the boy said he didn't want to stay with her, he's not getting along with his mom, which is not a surprise for a child that age."

Though Madonna made an appeal, it was stated that Ritchie's attorney, David Typermass, then defended his client stating that it was Rocco himself that refused to go home.

"He has expressed very clearly that he does not want to return to New York."

As of the latest update in regards to the court trial, Daily News reported that the singer would not want her son to go to military school.

Daily News then added that Madonna has been "attempting to control her son's diet, impose a curfew, and will be soon sent to military school" once Rocco would go back to New York.

The source then added that it is impossible for Rocco to get a life in New York as his freedom is very limited. It was also stated that he's not being ordered to do things in London which allows him to grow up and do his own thing.

"He's not being dragged around like a dancing puppet in London. He can meet his friends, eat fast food, he doesn't have an early curfew. The story is his father manipulated him, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Rocco has a life and friends (in London) and he can have girlfriends and be in one place."

The source then added:

"(Madonna) is impossible to work with and impossible to live with for a 15-year-old boy. He has no freedom under her. She tells him he's going away to school," says our source. "His life (in London) is not strict, he's not Madonna's son, he's more like a regular teen. Guy lives a very normal life, Rocco is not on movie sets, if he doesn't want to be there."

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