Moss Walls: Greenhouses Made More Emphasized

Moss walls are getting more attention than ever before. More people are putting up moss walls inside their houses and making it more appealing than a plain wall. Plus, it adds up to the insulation.

Moss is often found in the forest and wild areas. Homeowners who want to be more connected to Mother Nature or does not want to have the trouble of maintaining indoor plants, moss walls are the answer. Having such a wall also gives the benefit of a big and green space on the interior of a home aside from the calming effect that is mostly associated with it.

One prominent supporter of moss walls is called Plant Solutions. They are an interior landscape design firm and is utilizing moss wall with their indoor projects. They are also integrating other elements, such as driftwood, into these moss wall designs that results in a more pleasant natural aura.

“I am obsessed with connecting people and nature. Witnessing this is extremely fulfilling. The best job ever.” says Joe Zazzera, one of the owners of Plant Solutions.

Areas that are located in a bustling city, where pollution levels are high, will greatly benefit with moss walls, Examiner reported. Either a workplace or at home, the company can put up full wall coverage or a much simpler shrine, and can provide its occupants additional stress reliever.

Now, moss walls are not really that new. Zen monks in Japan have started using them over a thousand years ago, in their temples and garden walls. It provided the monks the feeling of tranquility that made them more connected with nature. People need a break with their everyday routine and these moss walls can provide them one.

“Each one is a like a little miniature shrine at the edge of the wilderness between our offices and our primeval nature,” Zazzera added.

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