"Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation" is already set to hit the small screen in 2016. This TV anime adaptation of RPG has been licensed to Sentai Filmworks. The upcoming anime series has a promotional video that has been released by the official channel.
IGN reports that Sentai Filmworks has officially announced its acquisition of "Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation." It is noted that the anime series will be "part of its winter 2016 anime lineup, and will tell an original story based on SEGA's popular role-playing game."
The official website of Sentai Filmworks states that "Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation" will follow the adventure of Itsuki Tachibana, a player of Phantasy Star Online 2. His life in and outside of the game including the struggles that he faces would be the focus of the anime series.
Details that could be gleaned from the website are the production and animation team of "Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation." It is stated that the Keiichiro Kawaguchi will helm the series with Mitsutaka Hirota, who will be in-charge of the script and series composition. Minoko Takasu, on the other hand, will take care of the character design. However, the animation will be produced by TELECOM ANIMATION FILM, the company who is responsible for the success of "Ramen Fighter Miki, Lupin III - The Italian Adventure (2015), and Sengoku Basara: Judge End."
Fandom Post says that "Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation" will debut in Japanese television on January 7, 2016. The premiere will air via TBS but then the succeeding episodes will be broadcasted to other networks.
Report reveals that right after the official announcement of Sentai Filmworks about its rights to "PSO 2: The Animation," it is noted that "the official channel for the game has added a new thirty-second spot that introduces the show to viewers with a good look at the range of it and the style of the animation and CG aspects."
The description of the anime series of "PSO" reads ": TV anime adaptation of the online RPG game Phantasy Star Online 2. It will feature an original story that takes place on Earth in the near future."
Are you excited to watch "Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation?" What is your expectation of this anime adaptation of "PSO?" Share your thoughts in the comment box below.