"One-Punch Man" season 1, which ended in December, was a big hit, drawing more viewers to love the anime series adapted from the manga of ONE and Yusuke Murata. However, it might take a while to have season 2 hit the small screen this 2016.
In the article of Korean Portal, it states to have "One-Punch Man" season 2 this 2016, creator Yusuke Murata has to draw 100 sketches plus 100 storyboards in a day. It also means that he needs to ink about 100 pages and work 10 hours for editing job every day.
It has been reported that Murata himself said that he would make "One-Punch Man" season 2 happen. In his twitter account, he tweeted that he would work had on it.
Based on the report, it would take a year or two to come up with the source material of "One-Punch Man" for season 2. But while waiting for the next season at the same time getting over with season 1, fans could still enjoy their new favorite anime with the recently released OVA.
The new Original Video Animation of "One-Punch Man" is entitled "A Shadow That Snuck Up Too Close." It is a 12-minute OVA which "shows events after he defeated the Mosquito Girl villain and features Genos who wanted to unveil his master's strength."
It might be strange for some why many get hooked with "One-Punch Man." What's so exciting about this bald superhero?
Design N Trend says that "One-Punch Man" is not just an action anime series. The series adapted from the manga of ONE and Yusuke Murata presents an intentional satire of humankind's attributes, thus it teaches its audience values like humility, which are deemed important.
The protagonist of "One-Punch Man" named Saitama appeals to the viewers because of his character. Contrary to the common people in his place, he doesn't care much about what the people usually care about in life.
He is content staying in an abandoned place, which is a small area. He has enough to survive, and he settles in making use of supermarket sales on foods. Contrary from the ambitious people in his city, Saitama's views in life is far different. His goal is to simply "do what he loves and not caring whether he makes much or little out of it. This is why he is great at what he does."
How about you? What do you like most about "One-Punch Man?" Share your thoughts in the comment box below.