The heated exchange between former flames Bow Wow and Erica Mena seems to get nastier by the second as most recently Erica Mena has exposed Bow Wow's abusive behavior on social media.
Fans were shocked when Bow Wow and Erica Mena ended their engagement with Erica claiming that Bow Wow's abusive ways are the reasons for the split. According to Fashion&Style, there are also rumors that Erica was cheating on Shad Gregory Moss a.k.a Bow Wow, which caused the end of the relationship.
The former "Love & Hip Hop" star quickly dismissed Bow Wow's claims as lies and took to twitter to slam the rapper for physical abuse.
According to Wet Paint, the beautiful 28-year-old had posted several tweets that directly referred to her ex.
"So many LIES! So many rumors. Since the truth needs to be told I'm down to tell it. Stay tuned."
- Erica Mena (@iamErica_Mena) January 5, 2016
"I've been nice about all this considering all that was done to me physically and the violation to my child as well. Be smart don't push me."
- Erica Mena (@iamErica_Mena) January 5, 2016
"He can run to his friends over at these blogs so he can try to look a certain way but buddy you don't wanna play with me. WE know what U did"
- Erica Mena (@iamErica_Mena) January 5, 2016
"Shad if you wanna tell the story tell the real story! What you did to me physically. You got the pictures too. Send the blogs that instead"
- Erica Mena (@iamErica_Mena) January 5, 2016
The tweets may have already been taken down but an Instagram post shows a screen shot that the Twitter messages came from the star.
According to Global Rind, Erica left Shad's home months ago because she could not take any more of the physical abuse. She added that the rapper disrespected her in front of her son. Mena's Twitter blast followed after a footage of Moss dissing her went viral on YouTube.
A photo posted by News With A Side of Tea (@thacelebritea) on Jan 5, 2016 at 9:05am PST