More Tactical and Lethal: 'Star Citizen' Challenges 'Call of Duty's' FPS Gameplay

"Call of Duty Black Ops 3" now has a contender when it comes to FPS Gameplay and it is coming to PC and Linux this year.

According to GameSpot, upcoming space sim video game titled "Star Citizen" from Cloud Imperium Games is challenging "Call of Duty Black Ops 3" in terms of having better, more tactical FPS gameplay. Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts featured in a "10 from the Chairman" video by StarCitizen of 2016, answering questions from the development team subscribers.

In the video, Roberts was asked if "Star Citizen's" FPS module, "Star Marine," will feature the "ability to play with stealth in mind." The chairman replied with confidence that it will. In a transcript by Imperial News, Roberts said, "Absolutely. That is part of the core design. We are trying to make the FPS gameplay itself be more tactical, less just 'run and gun.' Especially since it is more lethal than you would normally expect with a Call of Duty or something."

"We actually have some gadgets which are good for stealth and distractions, they're just not in 2.0 yet," he added. "We're going through and reactivating and polishing them from Star Marine and they will also debut with Star Marine. But we have the hologram gadget where you can put up a hologram version of yourself and you can be off sneaking somewhere else. We are going to have definite things that will help you with hiding your radar and noise signature, or heat signature, and stuff like that. So we definitely want that."

According to GameSpot, the game was initially intended for a 2015 launch. However, when Cloud Imperium Games announced that the release date is pushed back, it explained that the delay was caused by factors technical in nature including gameplay issues.

At this point, "Star Citizen" is expected to be released in 2016.

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