The movie adaptation of the novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" must have received varied reviews from the general public, but even though the negative comments outweigh the positive ones, Dakota Johnson is but proud of being the leading lady of the movie.
Bad comments regarding this movie have circulated around the Internet even just a few days after it was released. Some consider the drama not just erotic but is actually pornography. Well, with Dakota and Jamie Dornan showing too much skin in almost all the bed scenes, who can blame these movie critics? They must have felt having all the rights to call both of them 'porn stars'.
Despite Dakota's feelings of pride towards her successful role in the story, Entertainment Weekly revealed that the actress is kind of upset about how merciless Hollywood can be towards its stars.
The 26-year-old actress mentioned about ageism in the field of acting, implying that age is not just a number in the entertainment industry. The younger you are, the greater the chance of being offered a good break, is what Johnson probably thinks. Well, this makes sense!
Weighing in on ageism, Dakota spoke her mind regarding the issue, stressing out she doesn't like the feeling of being unwanted.
"Why isn't my mother in movies? She's an extraordinary actress! Why isn't my grandmother in movies? This industry is f ing brutal. No matter how tough you are, sometimes there's the feeling of not being wanted. It's absurd and cut-throat. Whenever I have downtime, I'm unsure that I will ever work again. I don't know what it is, but it's a definite thing that happens to me," Dakota expressed in a pre-cover interview for the February issue of "Vogue".
Behind her subtle disappointments as to the industry's status quo, she still proudly expressed her delight to the movie.
"I'm proud of Fifty Shades of Grey. I don't need to distance myself from that. The more work I do, the more the general public sees the different things I can do. Do I think it opened doors? Yeah. More people know my name," Dakota proudly shared.