House Swap / Home Exchange: Should You Do It?

House swap or home exchange is slowly becoming popular among travelers, especially because doing so can save you thousands of dollars. How do you know whether doing a home swap is for you?

A house swap (or home exchange) is defined as a "practice in which the owners of a home allow the use of that property in exchange for the use of another party's home," Investopedia wrote.

While the thought of having another stranger enter your home without your supervision can immediately scare off some people, many travelers swear by the benefits of doing a house swap with other people from across the globe.

Hannah and Ed Dowson saved £1,000 on their Christmas holiday trip by exchanging their home in Dubai with other members of a certain home swapping site, reported.

"Rentals are ridiculously expensive and many do not look homely," Hannah said. "We spent a fortune that way when we last came back to the UK."

How do you know a house swap is for you?

According to the publication, saving on accommodation costs alone is enough reason to think about doing a house swap. Staying in hotels during vacations is often expensive; add this to the fact that most people do not stay inside their rooms while they are in another country.

Doing a home exchange can also give you the chance to explore the city, immerse yourself in the local community and learn more about their culture, Independent Traveler cited.

Participating in a house swap also has some added benefits. According to the outlet, some house swaps allow the use of the family car, which can also cut your transportation costs while traveling.

House swap, however, also entails some disadvantages. While the financial benefits of home exchange can be very enticing, the outlet noted that such scenario isn't for all.

Some people may not like the idea of cleaning their exchange partner's home during their vacation while others may not be comfortable with the idea of leaving their homes in the hands of complete strangers.

The outlet noted, however, that certain measures can be undertaken in order to minimize, if not prevent, the occurrence of problems during their stay. Some home exchange sites often provide sample agreements that you can give to your exchange partners.

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