John Donne once said that "No man is an island." And such line somehow suggests that we should try to learn to live with others. However, there are some instances or event in life, which some individuals are left alone, especially during the latter part of life's stage. There are some senior citizens living alone in their home because of various factors behind.
In an article published by Daniel B. Kaplan, PhD, MSW, Barbara J. Berkman, DSW, PhD, they cited the statistical reality of living alone, especially by the older people in the community. They also presented some challenges that comes along in living alone and aging throughout the process:
Older People Living Alone
In the United States, nearly 30% of the 40 million older people who live in the community live alone. About half of the oldest old (people who are 85 years or older) who live in the community live alone. About four fifths of older people living alone are women. Men are more likely to die before their wives, and widowed or divorced men are more likely to remarry than are widowed or divorced women. Read full article...
It is indeed a sad reality that some people are left to live alone, either by their own decision or through fate's own doing. Aside from the health issues, there are also concerns for security with regards to an elderly individual living alone, and such things should be dealt with in order to keep these elderly individuals safe and relatively healthy as emphasized by Sarah Stevenson:
Dangers of Seniors Living Alone
If we want our loved ones to remain safe and healthy, it's important to make sure their environment is appropriate to their physical needs-particularly if they're showing early signs of cognitive impairment...Even in their own home, the combination of poor eyesight and minor safety hazards can put seniors at risk for falls, broken hips and even death. Read original post...
There are many ways in order to somehow lessen the environmental hazard with a senior citizen's home while he or she is living alone. One avenue through safety may be improved is by upgrading some home tools and appliances within their houses.
Arar Han of Zillow pointed out some possible upgrades that can be made, which may start from the smart lights to medication dispenser and monitored smoke alarm. Retiring alone has never been safer than before according to Han:
7 Safety Upgrades and Tech Tools for Seniors Living Alone
Why wait to upgrade your home with these tech tools? With today's technology, you can live independently for years to come. Enjoy your retirement with a home that takes care of itself and looks out for you. The future is here, and smart home technology makes living alone easier and safer than ever. Read full post...