Budget-friendly Bathroom Make Over Tips

Bathroom renovations and make overs can sometimes end up too expensive, most especially if you're not keen on the areas that you won't want fixed or furnished. It's already been a given fact that most expenses would usually cover electrical and plumbing system which can be very tricky to hide.

But for bathrooms that are already good to go and in good shape, all you would need to do is have it furnished and came up with a clever design to make it work. Listed below are a few tips from This Old house and Style at Home in keeping the bathroom look fresh and sophisticated on a minimal budget.

Matching accessories can make the bathroom look polished and organized. Make it a point to coordinate accents such as working with colors that would complements each other. Having a medicine cabinet that would match the tile design can be a great way to make the bathroom look more sophisticated at a lower cost. You don't have to shell out extra cash on expensive accessories as long as the ones that you would purchase would complement the bathroom tile or wall color.

Maintain the bathroom mirror. Plastic mirrors make the bathroom look cheap, investing on antique mirrors can be very costly, but you can purchase wooden mirrors on a thrift shop or you can make your own frame. Modern Victorian designs can make the bathroom look cool and clean, it is often found on thrift stores, garage sales, and antique markets.

Add a rug on old and ugly bathroom tiles to hide the unwanted dirt and unflattering design. Placing a as per Style at Home, opt for a "small power-wool area rug" instead of synthetics as wool is easier to clean since its mildew and moisture resistant. It is also hard for dirt to sip into the wool and you just have to hang it up to dry for odor elimination.

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