Renting Advice: Smart Renting and Dealing with Landlords

Before renting, every renter should do some work before sealing the deal on pen and paper. It is important that all the terms and conditions are read and re-read. It is essential to make sure that both parties, renter and landlord, discuss house rules and possible adjustments to make the relationship smooth. Here are things a smart renter should do:

1. Write details on paper

Verbal pacts are difficult to authorize because they aren't legit. Get any terms in writing, including things like rent sum, payment methods, obligation regarding utilities. On the off chance that the proprietor is lending appliances or promising any upgrades in the property, ensure that it is well noted.

Make sure that records are updated and kept safe for future disputes or clarifications.

2. Background Check

Every landlord aims to earn money out of his property. A few unwanted details may be hidden from an unsuspecting renter and it is the renter's duty to double check any hidden defects within the property's area. A good place to look is on the web for discrepancies in history of the apartment or the landlord. Look for health or housing code violations, foreclosure cases, county property records, and lawsuits. It is better to be safe than sorry.

3. Move in Rituals

After moving in, take photos of each angle in the rent space to document its present condition. Take notes of needed repairs and forward them to the landlord. Document the landlord's response as well. In paying rents, make sure to document checks and receipts. This will come in handy in case of disputes.

4. Know Renter's Rights

Landlords are not allowed to change locks without the renter's consent. Pushing the renter's living conditions to unfavorable levels to cause the renter to move is illegal. If landlord wishes to evict the tenant for violation of lease agreement, proper notice and process should be followed.

Landlords are not allowed to enter a tenant's unit without a 24-hour notice. Entering the unit in unreasonable time and unreasonable intentions are illegal.

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