Feng Shui 2016: House and Office Design Tips in Attracting Luck in Your Space

2016 has arrived, while the Chinese new year will finally start next month. The Chinese are known to incorporate feng shui principles in their lives and homes to attract positive elements such as luck, love, wealth, prosperity and more. Here are some of the feng shui 2016 house design tips you can follow, according to experts:

Susan Levitt, a tarot, astrology and feng shui expert, says that applying feng shui principles this 2016 should start from your space's entrance. According to her, the front door in your home or office should be free from clutter to welcome good luck. They should also be well-lit and inviting.

Levitt also suggests adding new paint in your home or office, especially if most of your walls are white or ivory. According to her, there should be at least one room with color in your house or office. She suggests light blue for bathrooms, light green for bedrooms, yellow for kitchens and gold for dining rooms.

It's also advisable to add plants and flowers in your house or office, which will supposedly increase abundance. Levitt suggests green plants with round leaves such as lily, jade, and Chinese evergreen.

Meanwhile, another feng shui expert, Rodika Tchi from About Home, says that you should know first the bagua of your house or office before applying the principles. In her article, she details the colors that should be incorporated in your space, depending on its bagua.

For overall success in 2016 for southeast bagua areas, she suggests incorporating metal and water feng shui elements. Colors such as white, grey, black, blue and charcoal are highly suggested. Meanwhile, fire feng shui colors such as red, purple, hot pink and more should be avoided.

More feng shui 2016 tips for your house and office can be seen in the link above.

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