The Entrance of 3-D Printing in Home Building

Home design and its architectural style may speak of the historical derivation and inspiration of a certain house structure. As history continues to unfold and as trends come in and continues to go out, many changes have been made in the aspect of home architecture. From a traditional house to a more sophisticated one, society has seen the evolution of these house structures.

Now that we are in the postmodern period, as philosophy shifts and designs are being innovated, we also see some updates in the aspect of home design and architecture. In the following report of Eva Zimmermann, she highlighted the entrance of 3-D printing in the future of architecture and home design:

What the Future Holds for 3-D Printing in Architecture and Design

Three-dimensional printing is one of the most talked-about technologies of this decade. Some consider it the beginning of the third industrial revolution, while others point out the constraints of the technique. Is 3-D printing changing our architecture, and is it the way we'll design our homes in the future?

In Amsterdam, though, DUS Architects is in the process of printing a canal house, layer by layer, using bioplastics made from 80 percent vegetable oil. The project, which aims to be renewable and sustainable, is slated to be finished in 2017.

'There are also houses being printed in China,' says Dr Jane Burry, associate professor at the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory at RMIT in Melbourne, 'though [they are] relatively crude at this stage.' Source...

It is indeed fascinating to hear about the said update home designs, especially the introduction of a more convenient and less complicated method of building a house. Now with the said technology at grasped, it would not be long to see houses being built via such method. However, one should not mistake this technology as a substitute for human labor and design, for, in the very backbone of it, human minds and hands will still surely be at work.

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