Transferring from one place to another can be a tricky thing to do, especially if you have been in your current apartment for quite some time. There are things that you would not want to miss, or even worse experience regret in the end. That is why you should examine thoroughly the reasons for a possible transfer and ask if they are really worth it. In the following article of Jonathan Deesing, he highlighted some points to ponder regarding apartment transfer:
How to Know When It's Time for a New Apartment
You've Run Out of Space
It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate over the years. If you can barely open a closet door without boxes falling out, you've outgrown your place. Limited space doesn't have to be a deal breaker, though. You can get creative with your storage and find new ways to store items.
Your Rent Is Too Expensive
If your rent has recently increased or you've experienced an unexpected financial difficulty, you may worry that you can no longer afford your apartment. Source here....
There are many things you may want to ask and reflect whether the root of the transfer idea is a need or a mere want. Try to examine the problems of issues and seek for any alternative before deciding to move. However, if things are horrible as it look and transfer inevitable, Jen Jackowski gave some advice on the things to check before a transfer or move in:
The Ultimate Moving Checklist
Read your current lease to discover proper protocol for informing your landlord that you'll vacate- follow the agreed-upon directions. Most landlords require a letter or a signed document one month before you leave. That way, they can take photos and list the property to attract new tenants right away.
Devise a moving budget. It should include the cost of movers, any new furniture you'll need to buy and eating out during your move (who wants to cook when they're still unpacking kitchen boxes?). Read more...
In the very end of the list, you may want to consider asking some help from friends and colleague to assist you with the transfer's crucial part the packing in. And always be sure to schedule the moving date ahead of time to avoid complications or issues during the transfer day.