Five Simple Choices That Can Help Promote a Healthy Home

Everybody wants to live in an orderly and peaceful home whether you are alone or with a big family. According to science, the way you keep style or maintain your house can have either a negative or positive effect to your health. There are ways to create a healthy home and these include things as simple as choosing colors for your pantry or buying linen.

Here are some tips on how to promote a healthy home:

1. Use colored dinnerware instead of plain white or black ones.

Surprising but true, colors have a huge effect on how much you eat subconsciously. White may seem like a sensible choice for dinner ware but it makes portions look smaller, according to Domain. The Researchers at Cornell University Food and Brand Lab tested the link between food servings and plate colors and found that those who eat on a white plate end up serving themselves 22 percent more than those who ate from a dish with a contrasting color. So if you are on a diet, go with colored plates.

2. Decorate your dining room with a mirror.

This could be another great hack to help you stick to your diet. According to Domain, the researchers at the University of Central Florida found that student who ate indulgent food or comfort food in a room that has a mirror did not find it as enjoyable or satiating.

3. Avoid toxic cleaning products.

According to, commercially produced house cleaning products are harmful because they contain chemicals that are toxic to the pets and humans. The website instead recommends the use of natural cleaning agents like vinegar, lemon and baking soda to keep your home squeaky clean and fresh.

4. Improve air quality with houseplants.

According to NASA, even the simplest house plants can improve air quality inside the house. Chrysanthemums were identified the best plant to absorb pollutants, thus they are suitable for those who suffer from allergies. So having house plants inside the house is more than just aesthetic purposes.

5. Let the sunshine in.

The sun is the cheapest and the most environment-friendly source of light during the day. According to Skylights Brisbane, it is also the most effective disinfectant in nature and those who have regular exposure to the sun's rays have a better skin and a visibly more vibrant health.

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