Home Tips: How to Make Your Home Cost-Efficient Without Having to Spend Too Much

Every year, residents are getting more and more conscious about saving on energy. Here are some ways to make your home cost-efficient without having to break the bank.

Current homeowners are now thinking of ways on how they could conserve energy and save money at the same time. With unstable electric rates and fuel price, many believe that it is about time to make some changes to their homes' features.

According to North Jersey, saving on energy does not have to be about purchasing the new technologies hitting the market these days. All that needs to be done is to improve on some fixtures you have at home. Upgrade your home's efficiency. How would you do this?

First thing you need to do is to seek the advice of a professional. Have your home energy audited so that you will know exactly what upgrades or updates your home needs to save energy.

In many instances, insulation helps. Therefore, insulate your home. Remember that cooling and heating charges make up around 45 percent of your monthly bill. If you insulate your home and seal gaps, especially in the basement and attic, you can reduce your bill to about 20 percent. In relation to this, you can change your windows and doors with sealed double or triple panes.

Better Homes and Gardens suggests that you get tax credits. When you use Energy Star (Environmental Protection Agency approved products) skylights, storm doors and windows or when you have your home properly insulated, you could be given up to $500.

Try landscaping outdoors. Create a little garden on your yard. Plants actually help cool down the surroundings so you would not have to use air conditioning systems during hot summer days. Some people even place plants inside their home to make the atmosphere a lot cooler.

You could also purchase energy-saving lighting. By updating your lighting to Energy Star models, you could save up to $60 per year. You can change the type of lighting in rooms you use the most like the kitchen and living room.

Lastly, when it comes to appliances, you have to think about the long-term benefits. While it is true that energy-efficient appliances cost more, the return of benefits of these gadgets pay off in the long run. Therefore, consider investing on these pieces of equipment.

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