Is Your Dog Fit for Apartment Living?

Moving to another apartment is already tough; moving to another house with your dog is a different case. While your furry friend may be your cutest and most loyal companion, sometimes their specific breed is not suited for apartment living.

There are certain dog breeds that are not fit for apartment living. Why is this the case? Aside from having a limited space in an apartment, there is also the fact that you are not the only person living in the building. noted that there are certain things to consider before moving your dog into an apartment or if you are looking into getting yourself one. Aside from the dog's size, you need to take into consideration the dog's energy level, your willingness to train and exercise your dog regularly and if the dog can keep its noisiness to a minimum level.

The publication further noted several dog breeds that are good choices for apartment living. The Boston Terrier is said to be an ideal breed because it matches a lot of the aforementioned qualities. It's not only small, but it's also affectionate as long as exercise is given on a daily basis.

Bulldogs are also known for being great apartment dogs because they do not necessarily need a lot of exercise; just a short walk will do for them! Also on the list is the French Bulldog, which are great watch dogs and apartment dwellers. According to the publication, the French Bulldog rarely barks without any good reason, so you almost feel comfortable and safe with your furry friend at home.

While there are dogs suited for apartment living, some dogs, unfortunately, are not. Realtor reported that while the German Shepherd is an intelligent breed, they are not well suited for living in cramped spaces.

The German Shepherd is said to need a lot of exercise and stimulation and it's a bit hard to control them especially when you go outside your apartment. German Shepherds are also sensitive to noises, so they might cause a bit of frustration with your next-door neighbors.

The Chihuahua may be small but this breed is known for its frequent barking, which again, may end up irritating your neighbors who are home all day.

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