Did you know that there's one item that you can have at home that can transform into two different things? This is no other than the sofa couch that can transform into a hug cover.
According to House Beautiful, Frankfurt-based designer Hanna Ernsting created what she calls a mood couch that can go from being just any other couch to a tactile blanket. The publication revealed that this isn't the first time that such a product has been created. A few years back, Ina Sempe's Enveloppe Sofa was also introduced in the market. The product was formerly sold in different stores and it became such a huge hit because it helped mimic spooning.
Back in 2014, IKEA also introduced a product that was designed to make loners feel that they have a companion while eating.
Meanwhile, a description of the product has been posted on Ernsting's website.
"Moody Nest was created with the intention to provide an especially intense feeling of comfort, warmth and intimacy. The used should be fully absorbed by the opulent cover in order to be able to calm down completely. The textile part of the Moody Nest is more dominant while the base is reduced furthermore compared to Moody Couch."
As of late, the product comes in military green color, and it is still unclear whether or not other colors will also be available in the near future.
Now that you have some idea as to what a Moody Nest it, the next thing that you need to do is to figure out whether or not it's the right product for you. If you are fond of staying at home but would like to feel as though you're with someone, this product is truly perfect for you, not to mention it is also reasonably priced.