IKEA Furniture Store Changes Its Food Court’s Concept

IKEA recently announced that there will be some changes to their food court.

According to The Washington Post, all 41 branches of IKEA in the United States alone will be getting a complete food court makeover within the next few months. The huge food court will be converted into three different eating desires that will also have three distinct dining zones. This means that every visitor's liking for a certain type of food will be taken into consideration.

One of the three zones will be meant for fast diners which means that this area will have bar stools and high tables. The second zone is most ideal for families with children, so it will be adjoined with kid-friendly activities. Lastly, the third zone will be called the Fika which in Swedish means coffee break.

"The third zone - and the only one with a specific name, so far - will be known as the Fika. The word roughly translates to a coffee break with socializing, so this area of the food court will be reserved for guests looking for a traditional coffee house experience," according to Elle Décor.

Meanwhile, the IKEA food business is becoming a booming business especially with its 8 percent increase in sales last year. With this, IKEA has decided to not only focus on selling all types of top-quality furniture but to also give customers a great dining experience. According to US company President Lars Petersson, "Ikea food is becoming a core business."

In other news, IKEA branches in the United States are still serving the favorite Swedish version of meatballs. Some menu items are also expected to stay the same, while there will be some new food variants that will also be introduced in the next couple of months.

So what are you waiting for? Make sure to be there for the opening of the new three-zone food courts of IKEA.

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