Home Selling Tips: Should You Photoshop Your Listing Photos?

One of the things that entice prospective buyers into viewing your house in person is the listing photo. Should you consider retouching your listing photos using Photoshop?

Listing photos are a great means of letting the buyers know what they can expect when they view the house you are selling in person. As previously reported here on Realty Today, other homeowners go as far as hiring home stagers in order to attract more people into viewing their houses.

Pictures are a great way of telling a story about your home and letting prospective buyers imagine themselves living in your space. However, sometimes pictures do not come out well despite great efforts to ensure that the best angles are taken.

Here enters the question, "Should you Photoshop or retouch the listing photos?" Realtor.com noted that it is not entirely bad to retouch your photos if you want to highlight certain aspects of your home.

However, extreme retouches can also take a toll on the home selling process. The publication cited a previous instance when a property in Sydney was listed on the real estate market, which seemingly showed a picture perfect home.

According to the publication, many interested buyers were disappointed when they discovered that there was a massive water tower above the property. This tower, unfortunately, was not shown in the listing photos.

This resulted in a debate among buyers as to whether or not the said photos were retouched to make it look like the water tower was not existing in the first place or in other words, erased from the photo.

Principal agent of the real estate agency Con Economos stated that the photo was not altered in any way and that the image was simply "taken at an angle."

In cases like these, honesty and complete disclosure is said to be the best way to sell a home.

"Try to present the house in the best way... without ever photoshopping anything," said real estate agent Dee Evans.

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