Home Design: Should You Own a Foldable Sofa?

Here's a look at a unique foldable sofa that is so flexible you can mold it into any shape.

According to House Beautiful, the foldable sofa is called Blandito, and it was created by Italian company Oradaria Design. What makes it truly unique is the fact that it can take on any shape, so you can use it either as a couch, a blanket or even a mattress.

The publication revealed that "the designers envisioned the prototype made from a garden hose and fabric as a sofa without arms, legs or a back. And while the limited production run sold out quickly, more taco-shaped chairs will hopefully be coming soon."

Meanwhile, if you are thinking about buying your own sofa sometime soon, think several times if this is the right one for you. Of course, there are several reasons why getting the Blandito could be a good idea. However, you also have to remember that there are some downsides to it.

For instance, since the couch converts into a blanket, it's most likely that you will use it as one. This means that your couch will get dirty every now and then.

Even though the couch can be molded into different shapes, its size could not fit into just about any washing machine, so you have to have it dry cleaned. This means additional cost on your part, and you also have to wait for a few days before you can get it from the Laundromat. So while your Blandito is at the dry cleaners, you won't have a couch to sit on. With this, one of the best options would be to get an actual couch and put the Blandito in your bedroom or TV room.

So what are you waiting for? Make sure to purchase the Blandito now!

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