Simple, Easy Steps to Prep the Yard for Spring

Spring signals the beginning of a lot of things. In the real estate market, spring is often thought of as the best time of the year to sell and buy a house, and for homeowners, the season is believed to be the best time to tend to their yard. Here are simple, easy steps to prep your house, including your yard, for spring.

Spring is finally the time when the weather is not too cold or too hot to spend time outdoors and tend to your yard at home. This is one of the reasons that buyers flock the real estate market during this season - it is comfortable to go out and take a healthy dose of sunshine.

If you are, however, already a homeowner, then spring marks the time for you to do your spring cleaning. As previously reported here on Realty Today, spring marks the best time for you to check your roof for any leaks and check for any clogged areas brought about by the winter season.

Spring is also the best time to start prepping your yard. According to, you can easily make a low-maintenance garden during this season. While most people think that having a garden at home is tedious and requires time and a lot of effort, keeping the plants and flowers watered at all times can be done by installing drip hoses instead of sprinklers.

It is also the best time for homeowners to give the soil a dose of good nutrients by sprinkling the plants with coffee grounds, fireplace ashes or even eggshells. Homeowners should also eliminate weeds even before they start growing.

The publication noted that homeowners can use a pre-emergent herbicide, which helps eliminate weeds even before they sprout. Seed first then apply the herbicide according to the time indicated on the label. If weeds have already grown, however, homeowners are advised to carefully spray them with horticultural vinegar or boiling water.

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