Is it Better to Shop for Groceries Online and Have Them Delivered at Home?

Grocery shopping is often one of the most therapeutic activities for some people. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time to take a trip to the grocery, especially when supplies suddenly run short at home. In today's day and age, groceries can now be ordered online and delivered to your doorstep. Is it more expensive to shop for groceries online or will you actually save money from it?

Technology has definitely done a great deal of helping people save time and effort and this includes saving you some time from shopping for groceries. While some people are still in favor of personally choosing their groceries on their own, this method of delivering groceries at your doorstep turns out to be beneficial to a lot of people.

According to thekitchnn, some people may think that having groceries delivered at home may cost them more than they would if they bought the products on their own. However, ordering groceries online can actually save you more than you thought.

For instance, ordering online would help ensure that you would stick to your list and weekly budget. The publication notes that one usually ends up with more than the items he or she needs when personally shopping for groceries, as one can be easily tempted when they see a sale item or one that they saw in another person's cart.

Aside from this, there is a usually a fixed fee for every order made and the tip would usually depend on the company you are ordering from.

An interview with Instacart founder and CEO Apoorva Mehta with Forbes revealed the usual customers that avail their services.

Mehta shared that their company has four different types of customers. The first one is the household mom who orders big baskets on a "very regular" basis. The second one are the young professionals who order small baskets more frequently than the others. The third one are the elderly or infirm, who order themselves or have others order for them. Lastly, there are the offices who do larger orders than the rest.

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