How to Fix Home Inspection Report Issues

A home inspection report can make or break a home sale - that depends on whether you were able to keep your house in its tip top shape prior to the sale or not. While some issues cannot be immediately seen on the surface, other buyers may immediately back out of a deal once the report shows a major issue. How can you fix home inspection report issues and still be able to seal the deal with the buyer?

As previously reported here on Realty Today, doing a thorough home inspection prior to closing is an important note for buyers. This is because not all issues can be seen with the naked eye and one would, therefore, require the help of a professional. Major issues such as foundation problems are often a cause of concern for buyers and some may even back out of a deal after seeing the problems on the report.

However, sellers can still be able to fix these home inspection report issues by making several compromises in order to keep the buyer from backing out of the deal. Trulia notes that many buyers can back out from a transaction when they see these problems in the home inspection report: Presence of asbestos or radon, a buried oil tank, termites, exposed wiring or black mold.

In some of these issues such as radon or buried oil tank, the publication notes that sellers can compromise with the buyer by lowering the asking price. The responsibility of fixing these issues would then rest in the buyer's hands.

Black mold may also be enough to keep buyers away from your property, especially for those with respiratory problems. In this case, a professional can be hired to fix the problem and a re-test can be done to ensure that there is no longer a presence of black mold at home.

Termites may also pose a problem, especially if they are already affecting the foundation of the house. Buyers may ask a structural engineer to inspect the property and see if the house needs additional support.

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