What Does the Color of Your Front Door Reveal About You?

Your favorite color is said to reveal something about yourself, including your personality. While some might say that they do not have a specific color in mind as their favorite, the color that they are most drawn to choosing can still reflect their personalities and behavioral traits. In the case of your front door, what does its color say about you?

According to Precision Intermedia, color is a "powerful psychological tool," which can be used to send different kinds of messages to other people. This is one of the reasons why companies often choose the colors of their advertisements carefully because of the effect and impact a color can bring to the customers.

As previously reported here on Realty Today, certain colors can help sell a home faster because more people are drawn to going for houses with colors they are attracted to. Most participants said that they were least attracted to homes with the colors orange, black, and violet in it.

Realtor.com also notes that the color of a person's front door can also reflect the owner's personality, according to environmental psychologist Sally Augustin. For example, a violet or purple front door can give off a feeling of sophistication, but if done too much, it can make one look garish.

Orange still seems to be a weird choice of color for most, so those who have this color painted on their front doors often give off the impression of being weird and cheap. A white front door, on the other hand, can make others think that the homeowner is a neat freak because the color represents purity and cleanliness.

A red front door exudes a vibrant personality, but it can also mean aggression as the person is often thought of as one that always prefers to take action. What is the color of your home's front door? Does it really reflect your personality? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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