Can You Get Away with Lying to Your Landlord?

A lot of millennials are attracted to renting a home over owning one because the former often entails lesser responsibilities than the latter. While such is the case and the landlord is usually the one responsible for the property, there are still a handful of duties and responsibilities that renters need to keep in mind. Can you get away with lying to your landlord?

The answer is no. If there is anything about this world that most people know of, it is the fact that no lie or secret ever remains unknown. As a matter of fact, lying to your landlord may even cost you your security deposit, a house to live in and even more money out of your pockets.

According to, a simple bluff to your landlord may not get you the apartment you have wanted so badly. For example, lying about the amount you are getting from your job often does not get you anywhere close to getting an apartment.

Landlords often do a background check on their potential tenants, which includes info on your job. This may also cost you a bad reputation since lying about your income may reflect on you when others ask about you from your previous landlords.

The publication also noted that lying to your landlord may cost you the chance to build a good relationship with him or her. As previously reported here on Realty Today, establishing a good relationship with your landlord can reap you some benefits later on.

For instance, if you pay the rent on time or if you are always upfront about issues in your apartment, then the landlord can renew the contract with you once the lease is up instead of offering it to another renter who can pay a higher rent. It is also a must that you seek for your landlord's permission before installing, changing or repairing anything.

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