Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell To Hit The Big Screen, Undergoes Script Re-Write

"Splinter Cell", a game developed my Ubisoft is in pre-production for filming. The script for the film is currently undergoing a re-write, which may be the cause for a delay in the film's release.

The "Splinter Cell" movie will star MAD MAX's Tom Hardy as the movie's main protagonist. The movie's script underwent drafting by Oscar-nominated screenwriter Eric Warren Singer who according to ScreenRant.com was reported to have written the first draft of the script. Aside from Singer, Sheldon Turner, who wrote for 'X-Men: First Class', was also one of the writers who worked on the 'Splinter Cell' film adaptation. As of the moment, actor and writer John Hughes has been given the task to re-write the movie script. Hughes, who starred in various TV programs such as 'The Sopranos', '24', and 'Band of Brothers' is most definitely not new to screenwriting as he had once adapted Adam Sternbergh's novel entitled 'Shovel Ready' for Warner Bros.

A script re-write is not the only problem that the production crew is facing. Director Doug Liman who was responsible for the sci-fi flick, 'Edge of Tomorrow' was reported to have backed out of directing 'Splinter Cell'. This move might have also been the reason which led to a re-write of the movie script. SlashFilm.com revealed Ubisoft might be looking into hiringJoseph Kahn as a possible director for the film.

The movie adaptation of the famous 'Splinter Cell' video game will focus on Sam Fisher who will be played by Tom Hardy. Fisher, a black-ops agent, will be showing off a variety of special skills in order to face against international terrorist threats and rogue forces.

The changing directors and re-write of the movie adaptation has led to a possible delay in the release of the 'Splinter Cell' movie. However, Ubisoft fans can always look forward to the adaptation of another Ubisoft game, 'Assassin's Creed'. The "Assassin's Creed" short film, according to ScreenRant.com, is said to begin filming this fall.

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