Secrets to Long Life: Old Woman Reveals That Drinking Three Miller High Lifes Daily Is the Reason Why She's 110 and Healthy Still

Apparently, a 110-year old Agnes Fenton shared to the world her daily dose of alcohol and a shot of whiskey as the primary reason why she is able to live a long life. Although doctors who have conducted a study on her for the past five years indicate that this might not be the reason for her long life, she thinks that drinking three cans of Miller High Life and a shot of whiskey per day could be the reason why she's older than most people.

According to Buzz Feed, Agnes Fenton, a resident in Englewood, New Jersey, just turned 110 years old recently and claims that she owes her ability to stay alive, healthy and well to a three cans of Miller High Five and a shot of whiskey which he consumes daily.

According to studies, out of the seven billion people living in our planet, only 600 individuals are able to stay alive at the age of 110 or older. Because of this fact, Fenton is most definitely an interesting woman for reaching the age of 110 and whose opinions and tips would definitely be an eye-popper as she reveals to us the reason behind this ability.

Although she is alive, well, sleeps a lot, eats chicken wings, green beans, and sweet potatoes, her life was not as sickness-free as it is now. She once experienced a serious health problem when a benign tumor was found in her body several years back. Since then, her doctor then adviced her to consumer three beers a day to keep her healthy, along with a shot of whiskey per day. She has been observing this daily routine for over 70 years.

According to Thrillist, Fenton claims that she willingly drank for several years and has not experienced any downfall on her health. On top of consuming three Miller High Life beers a day, she also tops the daily routine with a shot of Johnnie Walker or Blue Label afterwards. However, she was reprimanded by her caregivers to lay off the alcohol recently due to her diminished consumption of food intake.

According to her a 2012 review of clinical and epidemiological studies on the effects of alcohol, the consumption does not necessarily relate to a healthy life as what is required by some is only moderate consumption, about two drinks per day for men and one for the women. Additionally, Stacy L. Andersen, PhD, the project manager for the New England Centenarian Study wherein Fenton participates in, she indicated that there are other reasons why people are able to stay alive longer and that no results point that alcohol is a major player in that development.

Do you think that Agnes Fenton reached 110 years old due to the consumption of three cans of Miller High Life beers and a shot of Johnnie Walker or Blue Label afterwards? Do you think that this would actually indicate that alcohol plays a crucial role in being able to attain a longer life? Post your comments below.

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