"Teen Wolf" Season 5 is down to its last two episodes before the show comes to its midseason finale. While the show seemingly turned lighter in its latest episode, the upcoming episode of the MTV series titled, "Lies of Omission" will see Stiles and Lydia search for answers surrounding Parrish's real identity. Is Parrish good or is he on the side of the Dread Doctors?
Warning: Spoilers ahead! Read on if you want to learn more about the details of this story.
"Teen Wolf" Season 5 Episode 9 titled, "Lies of Omission" will see Stiles (Dylan O'Brien) and Lydia (Holland Roden) discover more about Parrish (Ryan Kelley) after finding out that he is responsible for the bodies, Carter Matt cited. The latest episode of the MTV series revealed more answers about Parrish, but it definitely left fans with more questions.
Speaking to TVLine, Ryan Kelley, who plays Parrish on "Teen Wolf," revealed that his character is "kind of in limbo right now." Kelley admitted that while he has no idea if his character is the bad guy or if he is really good, he still believes that his character is good. Kelley, however, seemingly liked the idea of Parrish being the "next big threat" after the Dread Doctors.
"I'm OK with him being evil, as long as I live. I just don't want to get killed off," he said.
Kelley also explored on Parrish and Lydia's relationship. He said that Lydia has been helping Parrish discover more about himself, the same way that she did when she found out that she was a banshee. For those of you who are hoping for a romance taking place between the two, Kelley said, "It's not for sure that they're going to be romantic, but he's been having these hallucinations, which I don't find to be strange at all - she's a beautiful girl and he's a male."
Scott will also find an unlikely ally in the upcoming episode of the series while no details have been revealed about Malia and the Desert Wolf.
"Teen Wolf" Season 5 Episode 9 titled, "Lies of Omission" airs on Monday, Aug. 17 on MTV.