Former President Jimmy Carter: Recent Surgery Reveals Another Cancer In His Body.

Former President Jimmy Carter has a recent surgery to remove the small mass in his liver. However, after the liver surgery Mr. Carter has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

NPR reports that Jimmy Carter made a short announcement concerning the result of his elective surgery. In his statement he said, "Recent liver surgery revealed that I have cancer that now is in other parts of my body. I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment by physicians at Emory Healthcare. A more complete public statement will be made when facts are known, possibly next week."

NPR also has added a statement that has been issued by President Obama concerning the pancreatic cancer of the former US president. Obama said that he together with Michelle sent his best wishes to President Jimmy Carter. The Obamas hoped that the former president will have his fast and full recovery, and that they are keeping him in their thoughts and prayers. His statement ended saying, "Jimmy, you're as resilient as they come, and along with the rest of America, we are rooting for you."

Yahoo News says that at the age of 90, Jimmy Carter still travels around the world for his advocacy. He supports the humanitarian endeavor which he has started after his presidential term in 1981. He assumed the role as global statesman, and somehow has helped defuse the nuclear tensions between north and South Korea. He also monitored the first election of Palestinian. All these humanitarian endeavors have contributed in keeping peace, thus he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.

Carter Center also revealed that Jimmy and his wife Rosalynn have volunteered every year for over a week for Habitat Humanity. It is a non-profit organization that assist in building houses for the homeless family. This summer, he also just completed his book tour promoting his recent work"A Full Life."

In spite being actively involved in his advocacy, Carter's health has already been a concern lately. When he was in Guyana in May, his visit had been cut short because he had a bad cold.

USA Today also says that Carter said that a more complete public statement will be given when facts are known. It also has not been clearly indicated that the recent elective surgery to remove the mass in the liver was due to a liver cancer.

However, Director Of The Gastrointestinal Cancer Center Charles Fuchs of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston says that it is possible that the former president has a cancer that started in a different organ which has spread in the liver. This is the common organ where cancer could spread. The elective surgery was done on Aug. 3.

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