Can Now Be The ‘Best Time To Rent’? Absolutely Not!

A greater percentage of the market today would still be thinking of renting out a place in order to save. The perception of renting out long term is actually not a smart idea nowadays because of the soaring rental rates.

Star Tribune shares data taken from a real estate website named Zillow. Survey showed that 25.6 percent of the income of local renters went to their rent. Chief economist for Zillow, Svenja Gudell, tries to give a perspective as to when is the best time to rent an apartment. One example is when you just moved in to a new area. However, for economical reasons the rental rates as Gudell puts it is "crazy" at this point in time.

Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors showed that home purchases rose to 17% the previous month. The reason cited was the unreasonable rise in rental rates. Local renters would conclude that now isn't the best time to rent an apartment and resorted to purchasing a house instead. Aside from the fact that they were at the mercy of their landlords, the monthly mortgage percentage payments has dropped to 14% from 19.8 percent.

In an interview with first time home buyers, Brian and Jennifer Burke needed to hurdle a 9% increase in their rent for their 2 bedrooms and two bath, 1,100 square foot apartment. Computing the costs compared to paying mortgage to their 4 bedroom 2,400 square foot house they actually saved $400 than renting out.

The Census Bureau showed a graph from their second quarter median rent figures from 1998 to present as shared by Keeping Current Matters. The climbing rate was astonishing and pople would want to know if this would be the best time to rent a house? A report from Axiometrics adds that the annual effective growth rate for the national apartment market in June 2015 hit 5.1 percent. A 47-month high with a 5.0% streak rent growth is said to be the longest at 5 straight months (since start of report for annual apartment data by axiometrics in 2009) and the highest since 2011 (5.3%) rate.

Fortune shows data on renters from the West Coast like in San Jose, San Francisco and Los Angeles and Miami. If you want to ask yourself, when is the best time to rent a house, the answer is definitely not now. An expected 40% of the incomes from people in these areas are expected will dedicate it to their rent.

Purchasing a house would be reasonably practical for local renters compared to having to rent out an apartment or a house. The long term effects on renting and the repercussions on being at the mercy of your landlord can be something that you will regret in the future.

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